- Retrieve C# code out of EXE Assembly - Licence Fondamentale d'Informatique
mardi 11 juin 2013

Retrieve C# code out of EXE Assembly

I lost some of my applications code coz of PC format, one of these applications is a C# Console Application, I managed to get the exe output of this application but I was not able to retrieve the code files so I used (.NET Reflector) to do this:

1-     Download the .NET Reflector.

2-     Download the Reflector.FileDisassembler.

3-     Extract the .Net Reflector

4-     Extract the Reflecter.FileDisaembler

5-     Copy the Reflector.FileDisassembler.dll to the .Net Relector Folder

6-     Start Relector.EXE

7-     From the View menu select Add-Ins

8-     In the Add-Ins Screen select Add and select Reflector.FileDisassembler.dll then close the Add-Ins screen

9-     From File menu select Open and select the exe file you want to retrieve its code

10- The reflector will load the file Assembly in the Assemblies section

11- Select the required file and from the Tools menu select File Disassembler


12- Click Generate and you will get your code


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