- 2014-02-02 - Licence Fondamentale d'Informatique
mercredi 5 février 2014

eLearning Activities and Interactions

Everyone is always looking for ways to make their eLearning more interactive. There are many ways to do this. Here are just a few:
1. Interactions
There are many times when you have various concepts or “chunks” of information on a page. You could break it into multiple pages or divide it into sections. For example use tabs and dividers so that the user only sees small parts at a time. Here are some tabs and bars.
You could also use some type of simple flash memory cards or drag and drop.
2. Scenarios
If you have a lot of information to share you could package it into a scenario. This is a good way to make it “real”. It also helps the user understand how it relates to them and why they should pay attention. Scenarios don’t need to be complex. They nay just be a simple setup page and a question or two.
Here are some scenario examples:
The company has recently opened 3 new offices and a launched a new website. What products might help this company process customers payments?
“You see a customer at the counter complaining about their cold food. The customer is visibly angry. As a manager what should you do?”
Here is a simple eLearning scenario template.
3. Case Studies
There are times when your scenario needs to be more in-depth. I like to use case studies when a scenario is too simple. A case study would be more intense and could include background information, bios on persons involved, current setup/date/time, multiple phases/steps, twists along the way, and decision points. Case studies take some time to create but can be very engaging.
4. Quizzes
Knowledge checks can keep a learner’s attention. You could even do quizzes before the course content is presented. This might be a good way to help the learner start thinking about the content and to give them a preview of what’s to come. Theses quizzes could be combined to create the final test. Here are some fun quiz templates and eLearning games.
5. Hands-On Demos
Many people learn by actually trying out the system (hands-on approach). Online training is a great way to give learners a way to try out a system without being live. You can recreate a series of steps in a software transaction and package it as a simulation. Learners could have three options:
  • Sit back and watch a demonstration of how the software works.
  • Be prompted where to click and how to navigate the software.
  • Be tested to see if they can use the software without any help.
It is basically the Tell them, Show Them, Let Them Do It approach. Simulations are a great way to let learners practice in a safe environment.
6. Learning GamesIs there a way to make your course fun and still educational? There are many types of game ideas from word puzzles, Jeopardy, and Millionaire to more complex, immersive games.
There are tons of ways to create interactive content. Most of the time it just takes a little extra thought.
Related articles:
Check out this past article on brainstorming.
Awesome eLearning Do’s and Don’ts.
